

发布时间:2017年9月16日 |最后更新:2019年4月22日


L.ike坑洼, only smarter. You’ve got the list of underground utilities with a drawing of their planned or located paths that may cross the designed path of your trenchless project.


your Geotech team took a shovel and dug some test holes - potholes - to spot-check the information, but…what if you strongly suspect there are things down there that aren’t on the drawings from One Call – some centuries-old obstruction, like a forgotten cemetery that potholing could miss?





W.hen the signal encounters a change in the subsurface makeup, it bounces back to the surface and the GPR’s receiver. The GPR then records the underground anomaly and creates a visual file for review. GPR has some constraints. Electrical conductivity in the ground tends to attenuate the depth at which it’s effective.

一世f, for example, your project’s design path is crisscrossed with electric power or communications cables, that limits how much and how deep your view is. There are tradeoffs available, though. Your geotechnical team can compensate for this with changes in the GPR transmitter frequency and power. A higher frequency means better image resolution, but shallower ground penetration.

你sing Ground Penetrating Radar

使用GPR有效地是一种专业的岩土技能。任何人都可以在地面上拖动GPR单元,将出现某些图像。也许这些图像将在一个简单的情况下回应您的需求,但是当您的项目的路径充满多次 - 也许数百个公用事业过境点时,乱丢有关未知和普通的“未知数”的怀疑,你有两个选择。


you can learn all there is to know about GPR, do the work in-house and hope you get it right, or you can retain the services of a firm that specializes in the subject to build your岩土工程


同样,项目就像pipe bursting(有时需要pipe penetrating radar)和下水道的重新密切可能不值得纳入GPR。无论设计路径上的可用信息如何粗略或全面,都会考虑新项目的GPR,考虑GPR的健康剂量。


与任何雷达图像一样,GPR为您提供来自发射机头的地下异常的位置和距离。这不是鸟瞰图。相反,它显示了顶部表面和异常的剖面视图 - 以及它们的深度和水平位置。

一种n existing pipeline may appear as nothing more than a hump or other trace underground that indicates the presence of something. It may be a facility that shows up accurately in the One Call data or it may be a pipe or cable that’s several feet away from the position found in the data. Or it may be something that was never entered into the system.

一世t is, however, a potential conflict with your project that you have to avoid, meaning additional investigation, whether with a shovel or a backhoe, is needed. (Read more in "T.he Science of Getting it Right: Locating Underground Utilities。")

W.hatever the result, GPR gives you a starting point. Like any radar system, it doesn’t always deliver a finished, defined image, but it does give you the edges, like a coastline to be investigated directly rather than by electronic means.

T.he Bottom Line of GPR

D.on’t expect GPR to give you the moon, stars and sun on a platter. Proper pre-planning, having an idea of what your target will show up as and foreknowledge make life easier. It can help keep you out of trouble, but it may add to your design team’s woes with the project design path, or change the method and manner of your digging altogether.




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W.ritten by将是木匠

P.rofile Picture of Will Carpenter

一种retired merchant seafarer, Will Carpenter sailed the world extensively before settling as far from the sea as possible. Now a technical writer, Will lives in the "hills and hollers" of Tennessee with two formerly feral cats.


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