
Service Connection

Last updated: August 18, 2021

What Does Service Connection Mean?

A service connection is a pipe that connects thesanitary sewersystem of residences, businesses, commercial units, and industries to the municipal wastewater network. Drains from toilets, baths, kitchens, laundries, and industrial units are connected via横向连接加入市政下水道系统。当地的管理城市管理局有关于安装服务联系时所需指导方针的规定。

服务连接也安装了水和天然气等其他公用事业,所有这些公用事业都拥有自己的一系列指南,以防止污染和事故。以前,通过挖掘地面安装了服务连接。现在使用的使用挖掘机安装方法影响莫林, these service connections can be easily installed without disturbing the ground surface.



A sewer service connection is a lateral sewer line that connects a building on a land parcel to the municipal sewage system. All service connections can be installed only after necessary permissions are gained from the governing authority. Unauthorized connections are not only illegal, they can also cause leakage of contaminated water due to the use of improper and unapproved fittings; it can also cause overloading of the sewer system. The same applies to install service connections for water and gas lines.


服务连接通常是短距离,因为它们与后院连接到主干道。安装服务连接最受欢迎和经济高效的营造方法之一是影响莫莫林。它已被证明是最便宜和最快的安装方法service connections that usually pass under sidewalks, driveways, roads, and other short crossings. To dig up a stretch can lead to traffic jams and cause inconvenience in the neighborhood. Using trenchless methods eliminates this problem by allowing a small excavation at the entry and exit points.


Impact moles consist of an enclosed steel tube with an air-powered piston that drives the nose forward by striking it. As the mole progresses, it displaces/compacts the soil laterally. This method can be easily used in congested areas but only for small diameter pipes. However;this method is most suitable in compressible soils as the method involves soil displacement.



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