Q&A with our Experts

No stupid questions here. Trenchlesspedia staff has answered many commonly asked questions and also assembled a number of experts who will answer your questions in basically any area mployment testing and employee wellness.

Featured Experts

Photo of Krystal Nanan

Krystal Nanan

Civil Engineer

Krystal is a civil engineer and project manager with an MSc in Construction Engineering and Management. Her experience includes the project management of major infrastructure projects, construction supervision, and the design of various infrastructure elements including roadway, pavement, traffic safety elements and drainage.

Photo of Della Anggabrata

Della Anggabrata

Civil Engineer

Della is a Civil Engineer with extensive yet progressing experience in a consulting industry. Her experience primarily focuses on underground infrastructure projects in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. She has a unique technical skill that combines civil and geotechnical engineering. Some of her projects are large diameter watermain, water and wastewater treatment plants, sanitary forcemain, and land developments. She is not only a key contributor on the engineering design and project management, she also provides a solid foundation for every success that the team has achieved.

Photo of Sky Cato

Sky Cato

Director of Operations for Internal Pipeline Solutions

Sky Cato serves as the Director of Operations for Internal Pipeline Solutions and manages much of the day to day operations. He has 14 years of pipeline pigging & rehabilitation experience. Sky is a third generation in the industry and attributes much of his passion for innovation to his father and grandfather.


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Tunneling near existing structures, such as sewers and subways, usually presents a number of challenges. As tunnel boring machines (TBM) advance through the intended bore path, the surrounding soil...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
Sliplining is one of the oldest trenchless methods of rehabilitating existing underground pipelines. This technique involves inserting and installing a marginally smaller diameter carrier pipe into a...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD), also known as directional boring or horizontal earth boring, involves using a surface drilling rig to install underground pipes, conduits, cables and any other...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
Ground freezing, also known as artificial ground freezing, is a temporary soil stabilization technique typically used in the trenchless construction of underground shafts, mines and tunnels. It...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
In the geotech surveys on most horizontal directional drilling (HDD) crossings, the soils being drilled are identified. So you can plan ahead with drilling programs best suited for the terrain...
Answered by:J. Mark Hutchinson
Mud Engineer Consultant at RightTurn Supply, LLC
When drilling HDD bores, the measured depth is typically shallow at around 120 feet. A 3,500-foot underground crossing may pass under a river, road, sharp freeway or a sensitive area, and sometimes...
Answered by:J. Mark Hutchinson
Mud Engineer Consultant at RightTurn Supply, LLC
Microtunneling and guided boring are often erroneously used interchangeably in the construction industry. While both these trenchless boring methods may seem identical, there are a number of key...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
Jet cutting, also known as hydro excavation, involves using pressurized water to move or remove a specified area of soil. High-pressure water is jetted from a specialized nozzle and impacts the...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
Pipe ramming is a trenchless construction technique used to install horizontal underground pipes, ducts, and culverts. This method involves using a ramming tool (which is essentially an enclosed...
Answered by:Krystal Nanan
Civil Engineer
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