
Sonar Profiling

What Does Sonar Profiling Mean?

Sonar profiling is an imaging method that utilizes high-frequency, short-range sonars to provide visual images of sewer pipelines. It is frequently used in applications where CCTV visual methods are not feasible due to waterline conditions and lack of retrievable information.

Sonar profiling can provide accurate data including pipe cross-section properties, pipe deformation, silt level, obstructions, deviations etc.


Trenchlesspedia Explains Sonar Profiling

While CCTV is a commonly accepted method for pipeline inspection, it is unable to provide visual information in pipeline conditions below the waterline. Sonar profiling equipment makes it possible to inspect operating pipelines without damage, or interruption to the piping system.

The sonar can be deployed using small robotic crawlers, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or floatation platforms. Sonar profiling employs a fan-shaped sonar beam to scan a specific area. The receiver selects the echo returns and the information received forms a data set, which is used to create plots of the internal and external pipeline profiles.


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